Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh yeah, I forgot . . .

Somehow I forgot that day two is always, ALWAYS harder than day one.   In fact, let’s face it, the whole first week is a bit of a downhill slide.  Day one, you’re pumped! You can do this! You’ve been mentally preparing for it for . . . well . . . for however long.  Finally it’s here, and you’re ready!  You’ve planned ahead, you’ve got your salad for lunch, and your snacks are all planned out, and it almost seems . . . fun.  You’re gathering your support network, talking it up, you are, dare I say, energized.
Enter Day Two – it’s not as fun.  You made it through day one, and feel proud of that, but day two is a little . . . harder.  Harder not to eat everything in sight.  Harder to leave the cookies sitting in the breakroom, or to avoid the automatic espresso machine you have at your work that makes great hot cocoa.  Just . . .harder.  It’s not HARD – just . . .not as easy as Day one.  You’re still energized, you’re still excited, you have your network around you, but . . somehow food is more difficult to ignore.
It doesn’t get better right away, but I do remember that it DOES get better.  I remember that the first week is, as I mentioned above, a downhill slide – day two being tougher than one, three being even harder than two, and so forth and so on.  Until you reach weigh-in day – and on that day, it all gets a bit easier!  Suddenly, if you’ve stayed on course, you have some positive reinforcement that keeps you going for the next week – and now you know you CAN survive a week on a diet of rabbit food and water.  You know that those points they give you – the points you guard and horde as if they were rubies and diamonds, those points WILL sustain you.  They’ll get you through.  There’s enough room in them to make smart choices and still indulge.  And you know that on Day 2, but still, on Day 2, you don’t really want to make smart choices.  Still, you do.  Because you WILL succeed!
At least there's chili in the crock pot when I get home!
My tip for today: Safeway brand mini-rice cakes (caramel flavor are my current indulgence).  They’re on sale this week for $1.50 per bag, and you get 8 for 2 points.  You can eat the first two, and put the other 6 aside for later, when you need another quick sweets pick me up.  They’re VERY good!

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