Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 2 - Good morning!

So, last night I went to my first meeting. The scale there screamed even louder than mine did at home, and I've adjusted my weight to 246.8.  I picked up a couple of munchie foods there - some cheddar twists which are quite good at 3 points per pouch, and some protein type shakes that come in at 10 grams of protein each, for just 2 ponits a peice.  I haven't tried those yet.

I also went to Safeway, where I found that the Chobani greek yogurt is on sale for a buck a peice for the individual serving sizes.  Those come in at OVER 10 grams of protein each, and will cost me 2-3 points.  I picked up 6 of those to try, along with string cheese, everything I need for Chili, lasagna, etc. 

I feel ready!

Let's start with last night - last night I had SERIOUS munchies - I ate some smartfood, and had a cookie.  I accounted for all of it, but still, this is NOT what I'm supposed to be doing.  I need to choose healthier habits.  I know that.  I didn't feel like I was full after dinner, and felt like I had ill-prepared for that.  Also, I wasn't really prepared for the meeting - I think on meeting days I'm going to have to make sure dinner is something that's "ready to go" when I get home, so I don't find myself at home, foraging for ANYTHING to stuff in my mouth until dinner is ready.

I still came in a solid 8 points UNDER my points total yesterday.  Today I simply removed 5 points off the top. I really feel they give you FAR too many points on this system - at least at my weight. I think that NOW, but we'll see how I feel later.  The leader did say it's okay to come in under, just make sure you're satisfied, and not hungry. . . so I'm going by those rules for now.

Now it's time to focus on work, and quit messing around with Weight Watchers Stuff.  2 recipes to follow in the next blog posting.

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