Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Okay, okay, I'll post something!

Okay out there in cyber-land, I had my week two weigh-in, and it went fine.  Well, first, I should say that I partied my ass off on Saturday, and had 5 drinks, all of which were poured as AT LEAST doubles, even though I had asked for singles - so I figured it was at least 10 shots of alcohol, for a total of 40 points.  Even if it was more, I had the room to spare in my points allowance, so I should have been fine.  Still, Alcohol calories are NOT the same as say . . . whole grain and veggie calories!

I didn't expect much loss at the weigh-in, I'd actually weighed myself that morning and it looked as though there was going to be NO change, so when I got there, and saw a 1 pound reduction, I was quite happy.  I don't think the drinking stalled my fast losses, what I think happened is science, or elementary if you prefer a little Sherlock in your world.

Drinking causes you to dehydrate.  Dehydration causes your body to horde water when you DO drink.  Given I drink A LOT of water every day, I was likely retaining quite a bit when I weighed in.  As the days get further from the drinking, I will shed that extra water - which is why people lose so much in the first couple of weeks anyhow - a lot of it is water weight.

I guess the bottom line is, I'm remarkably still totally fired up about losing weight and getting healthy.  I'm starting to feel a little difference, though I still don't see any - I know that for me the first 10 pounds are totally and utterly unnoticeable.  Still, I'm now officially below 240 - so I can wave goodbye and say . . . "I'll never see you again, 240!" because I won't!!  It's just a little mini-celebration for passing another mile-stone.  Woo-Hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Good job!! After your weekend, 1 lb loss is great!!! Yay! :)
