Friday, May 13, 2011

Been a while . . .

Wow, okay, I didn't think anyone would mind my missing a few . . .ahem . . . weeks of posting.  I trust no one did.  Anyhow, today was a GREAT day.  I have come to figure out that my naked morning weight is usually about 2-2.5 pounds off of what I will weigh at the weigh-in.  Still, today, my morning weight was only 223.5, so at 2 extra pounds, I'm down to 225.5, which is GREAT.  Now, it's not as far as I want to be by Monday.  My goal is to hit 10% one week from THIS monday, so I was hoping to get down to AT LEAST 224.5, but I still have the weekend to get there, and it's only one pound!  I'm pretty sure that's do-able!!  I know that probably sounds a little like I'm riding the crazy train, but whe you figure I lose 2-3 pounds per week, and then you figure there are still technically 3 more days in my week (almost 1/2 of it!) then you realize trying to lose another pound shouldn't be the end of the world.

More than all of that, I just feel GOOD!  I feel like I'm finally starting to be able to SEE the body I used to have.  Not a GREAT body, mind you, but at least the body I had when I first left Jason.  I'll need to do more work - more exercise is definitely necessary to tone my tummy up - but hey, getting rid of the large layer of fat is helping!  I see it in my face, and in the clothes I wear as well.  I'm not down to a size 16 yet (I know, crazy, right? Who the hell loses 20+ pounds, and DOESNT lose a dress size?  Oh yeah - that would be me! ugh!)  but I'll be there eventually.  Right now, I'm happy in my less-tight 18's.  My hope is to be solidly in a 16 by July 4, when I want to wear my pretty dress.

That, and I'd like to be significantly smaller when Sean gets home, than I was when he left.  Perhaps a dumb motivation, but . . .one I'm okay with.  My initial goal was to lose 20 before he got home - well - we passed that one, now on to bigger and better things!

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